What to Do with Bad Air, Due to pollutants, the body is vulnerable: Mojok Wedhangan series
Further reading from Due to pollutants, the body is vulnerable: Mojok Wedhangan series.
Due to pollutants, the body is vulnerable
I share the AQI data per 3 Last September at 17.13 WIB (above is Singapore time 18.13). There are various color zones in Indonesia. In fact, poor air quality is not only in Indonesia. In Indonesia, it is not only in Jakarta, several other cities also appear dark red. Outside Java, There were hotspots in several areas that caused air pollution.
What to Do in Poor Air Quality Conditions?
Ideally, It is indeed best to avoid outdoor activities when the air conditions have the potential to harm your health, especially for sensitive individuals. However, Of course, it's not that easy for those who have to do outdoor activities. Try to use a mask that can filter particles as small as PM pollutants 2.5. It is hoped that the N95 mask will be useful in unhealthy air quality conditions. Even then, it must be worn properly to cover the nose and mouth. Although it is useful for preventing the inhalation of PM 2.5, Wearing an N95 mask is also not easy for the wearer. They often find it difficult to breathe, breath fully tired, even dizzy. At least when possible, postpone outdoor activities that can still be done on other occasions. For example, cycling, You can do it at another time when the air conditions are better, or switch other sports indoors.
Closing doors and windows also needs to be done when the air conditions are not good for health, so that pollutants do not enter and stick to the house, which at any time could be inhaled again.
In ISPA conditions, it is also a good idea to use several Indo Utama Herbal products as an effort to overcome the disease. For children, you can use Syifa Kids Isplek Honey, or Syifa Kids Fluba Honey, Can be combined with Syifa Kids Propolis Honey. For adults, you can use several options, including Androbi, Gurah Fluba, Peniculin, Broncare, Habbatus Sauda Plus Noni. It's best to just consult the Medical Consultation Service number about which product combination is suitable and what dosage. Of course I need medical data about the condition of the disease.
The Mojok Wedhangan Series is a series of articles containing simple things related to the Main Indo Herbal Medical Consultation Service. This article probably will continues to the next section.
By: dr. Didit Aktono Hadi
- Doctor & Herbal Medicine Practitioner/Major Indo Herbal Medical Consultant.
- Marketing Management Support Herbal Indo Utama.
- Business Model Canvas & Lean Canvas Observer.