National Agency of Drug and Food Control (BPOM) again reminds the public regarding the dangers of several herbal medicinal products that are circulated without official permission and have the potential to damage health. On Tuesday (7/10/2024), BPOM revealed action against illegal traditional medicine agents in Bandung City and…
Idul Adha Hari Rayanya Islam Allah Ta’ala telah menjadikan 10 Dzulhijjah sebagai salah satu hari raya untuk ummat Islam di seluruh dunia. Hari ini adalah tempat seharusnya ummat Islam merasakan kebahagian secara berjamaah dan pelipur kesedihan di tengah-tengah ummat. Ummat…
This article contains health education, especially regarding herbal products detoxifying various diseases. Written by dr. Didit Aktono Hadi, a doctor, herbal medicine practitioner, and medical consultant at Herbal Indo Utama. WHAT IS DETOXIFICATION REALLY?? Many questions in the Consultation Service…
Insulin leaves, yacon leaves, or in Latin called smallanthus sonchifolius is a plant that originally comes from the Andes mountain plains, South America. This plant is well known as a natural sweetener and also as an alternative treatment for certain medical conditions, seperti diabetes dan kencing…
This article contains health education, khususnya saat menjalani ibadah puasa. Written by dr. Didit Aktono Hadi, a doctor, herbal medicine practitioner, and medical consultant at Herbal Indo Utama. 6 Tips Puasa Sehat Bagi Penderita Gangguan Lambung Hindari makanan pedas, terlalu…
Menjaga anak saat demam akan sangat baik bila dilakukan oleh semua Ibu. Reason, ketika anak demam, biasanya mereka akan merasa tidak nyaman sehingga mereka rewel dan sulit untuk makan. Tentu ketika anak sudah menunjukkan tanda-tanda seperti ini, bisa berbahaya jika…
Siapa sangka bahwa tanaman hias Keladi Tikus memiliki banyak manfaat untuk tubuh. Perlu diketahui bahwa banyak khasiat Keladi Tikus, salah satunya untuk mengobati kanker. Berbagai kandungan terdapat dalam pohon yang memiliki nama latin Typhonium flagelliforme ini. Manfaat tersebut ada pada…
Every human being is required to drink water every day. The reason, Consuming water is very important so that the blood can transport important nutrients and circulate through the kidneys. When you are dehydrated, Your circulatory system is blocked. Mild dehydration may cause…
Masih banyak orang yang beranggapan bahwa sakit gigi jika dibiarkan bisa sembuh dengan sendirinya asalkan tidak terasa nyeri lagi. Besides that, Toothache is considered not as dangerous as other diseases such as heart disease or stroke which can be fatal. However, anggapan…
You need a lot of patience and a strategy to deal with children who have difficulty eating. Usually, Children generally have difficulty eating or become picky eaters by the time they are one year old. Therefore, You must have a solution if the child suddenly…