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Indonesian Herbal Medicine Factory : Get to know the main Indo herbs more closely

Herbal medicine is believed by the majority of Indonesian people to be the best medicine to cure disease. This is very visible in the large list of herbal medicines from various regions throughout the archipelago. But the problem is that not everyone can find sources or ingredients for herbal medicines in their respective areas. Because the growth of herbal plants is of course greatly influenced by local environmental conditions. Nah, In Indonesia there are factories Main Indo Herbal which makes it easier for people to get herbal medicines easily.

Herbal Indo Utama helps people get various benefits from various herbal plants in a way that is easy to consume. The many product variants from Indo Utama Herbal also make it easier for people to find the type of herbal medicine that suits the health complaints they are facing. Herbal medicine or traditional medicine is a mixture that comes from various natural ingredients, which has been empirically proven to be able to treat various disease complaints.

Main Indo Herbal it's also CPOTB herbal factory. What is CPOTB? CPOTB is an abbreviation for Good Traditional Medicine Manufacturing Method. CPOTB is a certification owned by Herbal Indo Utama, which aims to ensure that we can provide quality products that comply with established health standards. Herbal Indo Utama produces various types of standardized herbal medicines that have met MUI Halal certification.

There are at least two types of traditional medicine according to the place of manufacture, namely Imported Traditional Medicines and Licensed Traditional Medicines. Imported Traditional Medicines are traditional medicines that are imported in the form of finished products into Indonesian territory. Meanwhile, Licensed Traditional Medicine is traditional medicine whose manufacturing stages are all carried out by IOT (Traditional Medicine Industry) or UKOT (Traditional Medicine Small Business) domestically on the basis of a license.

A factory that produces traditional or herbal medicinal products must be hygienic herbal factory so that the purity of the herbal ingredients and products produced is well maintained. If the herbal medicine consumed is herbal medicine that does not comply with production standards, It doesn't even have certification from BPOM or MUI halal, Of course, this does not only cause concern for people who consume it, but it can also cause more serious side effects, or worsen the disease suffered.

So, how to ensure the hygiene of a natural herbal medicinal product that you will buy? One way that can be done is to see whether the product is BPOM herbal products which have been inspected and confirmed to meet the requirements for consumption, so you no longer need to feel anxious when you want to consume it for yourself or when recommending it to your family.

With BPOM certification on a natural herbal products, You no longer need to hesitate to buy and consume this herbal medicine. By consuming natural herbal products which is hygienic and also meets BPOM certification, It is hoped that this can be one way in seeking a cure for the disease you are suffering from.

Nah, in Indonesia there is one hygienic herbal factory and also CPOTB herbal factory named Main Indo Herbal. Herbal Indo Utama produces various types of medicines based on it natural herbs which is packaged and distributed safely, so it brings good benefits to those of you who need it. Our commitment to producing reliable products means you don't need to hesitate to consume various products from Herbal Indo Utama.

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