Heart disease is a very deadly health problem and can attack anyone. When heart problems, then the blood flow in the body becomes not smooth. That is why the right way to cure heart disorders is very necessary for the heart to return…
Parents use various methods to ensure that children eat well, including consuming vitamins to increase children's appetite. But for some cases, This method is not effective because your little one still refuses to eat and keeps his mouth closed. Decline…
Rasa nyeri di sekitar gigi memang menimbulkan rasa tak nyaman sehingga mengganggu aktivitas. Gejala sakit gigi tersebut bisa disebabkan oleh banyak hal seperti tumbuh gigi, gusi bengkak, serta tambalan gigi yang rusak. Obat sakit gigi pun beragam jenisnya dan mudah…
Most people feel uncomfortable if they experience itchy skin. Itching on the skin is generally caused by insect bites, stress, as well as eczema. The easiest way to treat itching is to use traditional ingredients found at home. Apart from because…
Obat herbal atau jamu merupakan jenis pengobatan tradisional dengan memanfaatkan bahan alami yang berkhasiat untuk kesehatan. Penggunaan ramuan herbal sendiri telah ada sejak zaman dahulu dan cara pemanfaatannya pun dilakukan secara turun temurun dari satu generasi ke generasi lainnya. Saat…
If a family member is sick, We will definitely try our best to provide the best treatment. One of them is by using herbal medicine which is proven to be safe and has minimal side effects. Therefore, accurate and reliable information on family herbal medicine is needed. For…
Maintaining your immune system to stay fit is very important, especially during a pandemic like now. Apart from consuming nutritious food, It is also important to consume supplements that will help increase endurance as a solution to your family's health. …
Sarang semut merupakan salah satu pengobatan tradisional yang saat ini sudah tersedia dalam bentuk obat herbal Indonesia. Initially, Papuan people in the interior use ant nests as a medicine for various types of diseases, both heavy and light. Masyarakat di…
Tempuyung adalah tanaman yang sering digunakan sebagai bahan pembuatan obat herbal alam. The Latin name of this plant is Sonchus Arvensis. Tempuyung can grow anywhere, even on rocks and walls. Many ignore it and consider it an ordinary wild plant. Meskipun…
Ada berbagai jenis obat yang bisa digunakan oleh para wanita untuk mengurangi rasa nyeri yang terjadi selama menstruasi atau haid. Diantara berbagai jenis obat tersebut, yang paling aman adalah obat herbal aman karena minim kandungan kimia yang berbahaya dan lebih…